Entrée Recruitment: Resume Template and Guide

We are delighted to provide you with a professional resume template to help you in your job search. Please note that this template serves as a general guide. Different positions may have unique formatting requirements, criteria, and supporting evidence. We highly recommend carefully reading the job advertisement to ensure you meet the specific expectations of your desired role. Customising your…

Entrée Recruitment: Resume Template and Guide

We are delighted to provide you with a professional resume template to help you in your job search. Please note that this template serves as a general guide. Different positions may have unique formatting requirements, criteria, and supporting evidence.

We highly recommend carefully reading the job advertisement to ensure you meet the specific expectations of your desired role. Customising your resume and cover letter for each application demonstrates your genuine interest and dedication, setting you apart from other candidates.

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Quick Resume Tips

  1. Select a professional and readable font: Choose a professional and easy-to-read font. We recommend popular options like Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.
  2. Ensure legible font sizes: Optimise readability by using an appropriate font size. Headings should be 12-16 points, while the body text should be 10-12 points.
  3. Make section headers stand out: Grab the attention of potential employers by using bold or capital headers. This helps to organise and highlight different sections of your resume.
  4. Use bullet points strategically: Employ bullet points to present information concisely and organised. Use them only where appropriate to enhance readability and emphasise key details.
  5. Double-check for errors: It’s essential to meticulously review your resume for punctuation, grammar, or spelling mistakes. Attention to detail is an organised way of making a positive impression.
  6. Provide your contact details. We emphasise that your contact information, including your email address and phone number, is clearly listed. We want to make it easy for employers to reach out to you!
  7. Seek feedback: Before finalising your resume, consider seeking feedback from a friend or trusted third party. Fresh eyes can offer valuable insights and spot areas for improvement that you might have missed.

Need Extra Help? We’ve Got You Covered!
At Entrée Recruitment, we’re all about providing the best possible experience for job seekers like yourself across a variety of sectors. If you need any advice or assistance in your job search, just reach out –Get in Touch.