
Building a stronger community that gives back

Our dedication to connecting with and supporting local initiatives.

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We are committed to providing positive change for society, the environment and the local community.

At Entrée Recruitment, we believe in making a positive impact beyond the recruitment industry. We actively partner with the local community by supporting local charities and community initiatives that align with our values. Whether it's volunteering our time or fundraising for worthy causes, we're committed to giving back and building a stronger community.


Community Events

Our Community Endeavours

Entrée Recruitment interact with not-for-profits and social enterprises largely through volunteer and fundraising work. View our recent charity and fundraising drives and volunteer participation below:

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Australia Day Council of South Australia
ADCSA is an independent, non-profit, membership-based association dedicated to delivering quality, creative, innovative, and diverse community events and being the custodian of sharing and enhancing Australian identity and culture. Entrée Early Years Recruitment has proudly partnered with ADCSA since 2022. We have proudly attended four ADCSA events and sponsored two, including Leadership in Times of Crisis in 2022 and 2023 and the Australian of the Year Luncheon in 2022 and 2023.
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Foodbank South Australia

Foodbank are a not-for-profit, non-denominational, federated organisation operating in every state and territory in Australia. They work with 2,625 frontline charities and 2,890 school breakfast programs to distribute over 87.9 million meals to those who need them yearly. Entrée Early Years Recruitment has been involved with Foodbank SA since 2018, compromising multiple volunteering days, annual festive season food box donations, and their major fundraiser event in 2021 and 2023.

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Treasure Boxes South Australia

Treasure Boxes is an Adelaide-based not-for-profit organisation that commenced operations in May 2015. Its focus is on providing vital essentials to newborns, babies, and children living in disadvantage within our community. In 2023, Entrée Early Years Recruitment began volunteering with Treasure Boxes and sponsored its inaugural Locked-in Gala event at the iconic Old Adelaide Gaol.

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Bedford Group South Australia

Bedford Group are the second largest employer for people with disability in Australia, providing a range of services for over 1300 clients across 18 sites in South Australia. Since 2018, Entrée Recruitment has been a proud supporter of Bedford Group, actively engaging in various initiatives. Our involvement includes sponsoring and participating in the annual Bedford Big Banquet and attending the Annual Years of Service Awards Ceremony. Furthermore, we promoted their creative and inspiring works for the 2023 Sala Exhibition.

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Cancer Council South Australia

Cancer Council is Australia’s leading cancer charity, and the only Australian charity working across every aspect of every cancer, from research to prevention and support. Every year since 2017, Entrée Early Years Recruitment has participated in Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea. This community event raises vital funds to make a big difference for those impacted by cancer. Furthermore, since 2013, we have held multiple fundraisers, from selling Pink Ribbon merchandise to Royal-Tea Tuesday.

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SIDS and Kids South Australia

SIDS and Kids SA promote safe sleep guidelines to reduce SIDS and sleep-related accidents. In 2015  Entrée Early Years Recruitment organised the Be Bold. Wear Red. campaign, encouraging candidates, clients, and the community to donate. For every dollar raised, we doubled the donation to provide vital support for safe sleep education and counselling.

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A Commitment to Giving Back

Our commitment to the charity sector begins with an offering of discounted rates for permanent recruitment campaigns.

​Charity and not-for-profit organisations can receive reduced rates for retained, exclusive recruitment campaigns, saving up to 50% on our full price, PLUS a full advertising package including video advertising valued at $900 free of charge.​

We are proud to offer discounts to the charity and not-for-profit sector and position ourselves as a specialist charity recruitment agency within the market.

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Entrée Recruitment is your trusted Adelaide job agency partner in making connections for job seekers and employers. Our experienced team is dedicated to understanding your unique needs and providing personalised solutions that align with your career and business goals.

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